
Launch in minutes

Everything you need for a powerful portfolio, ready to go.

Intuitive customization

Easily toggle between various themes and customize to your liking.

100% responsive

Ensure a perfect user experience across all devices.


Add multiple languages with built-in localization capabilities.


Boost your app's search rankings with SEO-optimized pages.

State-of-the-art frameworks

Built on Next.js and TypeScript for performance and scalability.



Customize styles

Make your portfolio uniquely yours. Choose from light or dark themes, pick brand colors, and fine-tune visual details like borders and transitions.

Learn more about customization with Once UI

theme:       'dark',
neutral:     'gray',
brand:       'aqua',
accent:      'yellow',
solid:       'contrast',
solidStyle:  'flat',
border:      'playful',
surface:     'translucent',
transition:  'all'

Select pages

Choose from predefined pages including CV, projects, blog, or gallery.
'/':        true,
'/about':   true,
'/work':    true,
'/blog':    true,
'/gallery': true,

Add content

Easily update a single content file to add your personal bio, work experience, and skills.
display: true,
title: 'Work Experience',
experiences: [
        company: 'FLY',
        timeframe: '2022 - Present',
        role: 'Senior Design Engineer',
        achievements: [
            <>Platform redesign</>,
            <>AI integration</>

Set up password protection

Create password protected pages for confidential content.
const protectedRoutes = {
    '/work/ai-integration': true

Showcase your work

Create a markdown file for each project you want to showcase. Add project details, links, and images.
title: "FLY platform redesign"
publishedAt: "2024-04-08"
summary: "In this project, I redesigned the FLY platform."
  - "/images/projects/project-01/cover-01.jpg"
  - "/images/projects/project-01/video-01.mp4"

## Overview
## Key features

Start blogging

Share your story. Write blog post with markdown.
title: "Arriving to a new milestone in my career"
publishedAt: "2024-04-08"
summary: "Every career is a journey, filled with challenges."

## Reflecting on the Journey So Far

Craft your portfolio with magic

Design Engineers Club cover
Design Engineers Club cover
Design Engineers Club cover
Join our community of design engineers and build without limits.
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Magic Portfolio is brought to you by Dopler
About us
"In an AI-driven world, being a creative is tough. As an artist, designer, and developer, I'm dedicated to building spaces where creativity thrives."
"From product management to design, my passion for open-source drives everything I do. I'm committed to creating tools that empower creatives and make a lasting impact."